Relationships to grow

ENTANGLEMENTAL is a consultant specialized in positioning of corporation. We help our clients in developing their business agenda; showing areas of commercial activities focusing in financial strategies, sale / acquiring corporation assets and public affairs.

Our topics

We work for an integral focus, where the different areas of incidence affect a unique ecosystem of dynamical relations interdependently. That is what “Entanglement” is all about; intertwining and building ties

We link our clients with investors to develop the most suitable financing strategy for every need.

We develop the investment teaser postulating the shares to sell to our network of investors.

We have experience in buying and selling commodities, supplies, service and capital goods.

We help our clients to be active participants in a social and constructive dialogue at local and international level.

Entanglement is an immersion in a ecosystem of relations

En 1935, el Premio Nobel Erwin Schrödinger, acuñó el concepto “Entanglement” para describir un fenómeno de mecánica cuántica en el que un conjunto de partículas entrelazadas no puede ser definido como partículas individuales con estados definidos, sino como un sistema con una única función de onda para todo el sistema. Cuando ocurre un “Entanglement”, dos o más objetos constituyen un único estado que envuelve a todos los objetos del sistema, aún cuando los objetos están separados. Esa es la lógica que inspira nuestro trabajo. Construimos lazos, entrelazamos relaciones, constituimos realidades únicas.

How we accompany our customers

Each company has its own growth itinerary



We Provide integral service under external in company mode to growing companies which activities are done at the local level



We assist development in companies of médium strenght that require a specific strategic to their per sector agenda. Senior level service involves a dedicated Project Manager.



We take the lead in the agenda of the whole ecosystem of affairs, performing external in company. This level is for companies in need of an area of organic solutions, formulating long term structural strategies and meeting joint requirements



We take part as Project Manager in big companies assisting the concerned Management as an external resource to the various affairs. The management is aided and led in solving the specific needs that may arise.

Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Buenos Aires
Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Porto Alegre
São Paulo
Washington DC